Friday, 31 October 2014


We are all soooo excited for Trick or Treating tonight, we have been vibrating with excitement all day.  First thing this morning we tried to burn off some of our energy in a double gym class with our friends from Room 11.  

Then we got to spend two periods in a Dance-a-thon.  We danced our feet off, and some of us even won prizes.  Congratulations to Joaquin for raising the most money in our class.  Thank you to everyone who helped us raise money for classroom and school resources.

Tayanna burning up the dance floor

In the afternoon we had the opportunity to see everyone else's costumes in our Halloween Parade.  To finish off the day we got to spend some time together watching videos and having some treats.  Thank you to everyone that brought treats for our Halloween Party.

Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone!



  1. Tayanna loved the Dance A Thon! Loved watching everyone dance and show off their costumes this afternoon! Have a safe Halloween Everyone!
