Monday, 22 September 2014

Morning Meeting - Tableaux

Every morning in our classroom we take part in a morning meeting.  This gives us the chance to say good morning to each other and share a little about ourselves.  At the end of each morning meeting, we participate in an activity.  This week we learned about tableaux.  A tableau is a moment captured in time.  Students are given a scene and asked to use their bodies to represent the characters or objects that may be found in that scene.  We had a lot of fun representing the park.  We were trees, grass, a slide, and if you look closely enough you may even see the woodpecker in the back.
We also represented the circus with a live bear, a popcorn man, a juggler, and a ferris wheel.
Tableaux are fun!  We can hardly wait to create more.


  1. I didn't know what a tableaux was. Thanks for teaching me kids!

  2. Ms Moniz, I love going onto your site to see all that happens in your classroom! Thank you!

