Monday, 29 September 2014

Our First Art Project

For our first art project this year we made a flower out of our handprints.  Each of us traced our hands and decorated them.  Then we arranged them in the shape of a flower.  Our flower represents that we are all unique and beautiful, but together we are a masterpiece.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Morning Meeting - Tableaux

Every morning in our classroom we take part in a morning meeting.  This gives us the chance to say good morning to each other and share a little about ourselves.  At the end of each morning meeting, we participate in an activity.  This week we learned about tableaux.  A tableau is a moment captured in time.  Students are given a scene and asked to use their bodies to represent the characters or objects that may be found in that scene.  We had a lot of fun representing the park.  We were trees, grass, a slide, and if you look closely enough you may even see the woodpecker in the back.
We also represented the circus with a live bear, a popcorn man, a juggler, and a ferris wheel.
Tableaux are fun!  We can hardly wait to create more.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Our First Library Class

We had a blast at our first library class last week.  Mr. W read us the book "Mo's Mustache" by Ben Clanton.  "Mo's Mustache" is about a monster who wants to stand out, so he wears all sorts of crazy things, which his monster friends copy.  Every time Mo put on something new in the story Ms. Moniz also got to wear something new.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Our First Week of School

Our first week of school was awesome.  We learned all the ways that we are similiar by participating in our Tangled Web activity.  Each time one of us had something in common, we would connect ourselves using string to create a tangled web.  Our class has many things in common.

We also spent lots of time practicing classroom routines and learning our new classroom roles.  We have been practicing Read to Self everyday so that we can build our stamina.  We can already read to self for 20 minutes.

We have also been learning to be Mathematicians.  Each day we have two leaders who guide our daily math routines.  They are responsible for the calendar and our classroom survey.

We have been having lots of fun being good role models for each other and the other students in the school.